P2P vs GPON Fibre – What’s the Difference?

If your business is in the market for a fibre connection with faster speeds, increased security, and complete redundancy then you will want to read this. There are various classes of fibre connections for businesses, namely point-to-point and GPON fibre and it’s important to understand how they differ.
5 Benefits of Managed Voice Services

Managing a business is a busy job. With so many aspects to cover, phone systems can easily become an afterthought, but they shouldn’t. Phone conversations are where sales are made.
5 More Tips to Cut IT Costs and Balance Your Budget (Part 2)

“How can I cut IT costs?” is a common question businesses ask. For part 2, we’re giving 5 more ways a business (big or small) can cut costs and simplify their IT budget.
Cut IT Costs With These Simple Tips

There’s a nagging question every business must face at some point: How can I cut IT costs? For our 2-part series, we’ve laid out 5 quick and simple ways your business can cut down IT costs and make balancing a budget easy.
The Benefits of Cloud Computing (Part 1)

If Zack Morris wasn’t cool enough already, he had to show us up with a cell phone. Experts predict that by 2019, more than 86% of workloads will be processed by cloud data centres. So obviously, the Zack Morris of today would definitely be utilizing the cloud because he was an innovator.
4 Disadvantages of Bad Internet Connections for Business

Stop spending money on unreliable internet. Your internet connection helps build the foundation of a positive relationship between you and your customers, so the network you choose is critical to success.
Industry Case Study: Schools & School Districts

We no longer worry about paying overages due to the data, and are finally able to use newer technologies, such as Sesame, for student assessment. With our old data connections, this would be an impossible task,” says Miguens.