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Comparing SC and LC Fibre Optic Connectors

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The two most common fibre optic connectors in use today are SC and LC connectors. While they are very similar, they are not interchangeable and differ in design and size. When getting ready for a fibre installation at your business, you must match the right connectors to your project.  This will ensure high performance and reliability.  Investing in a fibre installation provides your business with the fast, reliable internet you need for growth. Be confident that you’re getting the most out of your investment by learning more about the technology behind upgrading your fibre. 

The Basics: SC vs. LC Fibre Optic Connectors

Both SC and LC fibre connectors do more than just terminate the cable – they’re part of bringing your business telecommunications to life.  

  • SC connectors (AKA: Subscriber, Square, or Standard connectors) use a push-pull design but utilize a locking tab to secure the cable. SC is the most common fibre optic connector in use today and is typical for datacom and telecom applications. 
  • LC connectors (AKA: Lucent, Little, or Local connectors) are designed as a push-pull connector that locks in place with a latch to secure the cable.  At about half the size of SC connectors, LC is now the preferred choice for high-density connections.  On equipment without a lot of space, their size is a key advantage.  The LC connector may not be the most common today, but it continues to gain popularity. 

Strengths & Weaknesses: SC vs. LC

Size:  The LC connector is half the size of an SC connector (1.25mm vs. 2.5mm), making it a popular choice for business environments where the number of connections per area is higher, and the density of connections in an area can be an important factor in decision making and cost analysis. 

Ease of Use: Both are easy to use, but considering the push-pull design of an SC versus the LC’s latched connector could be a factor.

Reputation:  The SC connector is popular with businesses thanks to a proven track record of over 30 years. The LC connector is newer but is quickly catching up in popularity due to its size advantage.  Both types of connectors offer business comparable insertion loss and return capabilities. 

Performance: The corporate world demands fast, efficient, and stable performance when it comes to data communication. Both LC and SC fibre connectors are designed for strong, interference-free data transmission. 

Which one is best for your business?

Choosing a connector type comes down to understanding how significant connection size is to your project.  iTel’s team of experts will ensure that you get a customized solution that meets all your telecom needs.

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